Season Fincarre Chocolate Pack

$ 16.98

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SKU CHOCD3GF6KJ5 category:


1 Solen Go Fresh 20g
2 Toren Pacimo Caramel 23g
3 Toren Pacimo Strawberry 23g
4 Toren Wonderful Chocolate Bar 25g
5 Toren Crunchy 32g
6 Toren Crunchy Coconut 32g
7 Toren Crunchy Strawberry 32g
8 Beyoglu Peanut Explosion 52g
9 Toren Rocco White Chocolate 20g
10 Fin Carre Milk Chocolate 100g
11 Fin Carre White Chocolate 100g
12 Cadbury Hazelnut Milk Chocolate 160g


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